

Rue de la Comtesse de Flandre 8
1020 Brussels
 02 201 17 13
VAT Number : BE 0431 844 988


PeyMey Diffusion N.P.O

Rue de la Comtesse de Flandre 8
1020 Brussels
02 201 17 13

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

The festival will take place from the 9th to the 21st of april 2024 in Palais 10 of the Heysel.

Place de Belgique 1, 1000 Bruxelles

Access to the festival site is free. You can immerse yourself in the BIFFF atmosphere and attend the theater animations, the body-painting contest, the make-up contest, the Art BIFFF and its exhibition, enjoy the Comics Land and the signing sessions with the artists, Claire’s booth and her silkscreens, the Questions & Answers (meetings between guests and the public), or even have a look at the festival bar etc.


On sale from 09/04/2024 to 21/04 at the ticket office in the village 30 minutes before the first film until 30 minutes after the last film

Tickets are not numbered and cannot be returned or exchanged.

The BIF Market is the festival’s professional market, where directors, producers, buyers, sellers, distributors and other representatives of the film industry meet (in person and online this year). More info at:

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