Somewhere in the 70’s, long before smartphones needlessly complicated the plot of every genre movie, a knife salesman stops by a gas station in the middle of the desert to fill up his empty tank. Unfortunately, the gas truck is late and the owner advises him to enjoy a piece of pie in the neighboring diner. The airco no longer functions, but waitress Charlotte – who is also the local sheriff’s wife – and the damn fine coffee make him feel right at home. They hear on the news that two gangsters have robbed the local bank and are on the run in a green Pinto. Guess what car just pulls over at the gas station to fill up its empty tank? It doesn’t take long or the waitress and the knife salesman get a gun to their head. If they dare to say something or warn someone, there will be blood. That possibility becomes ever more likely as the diner starts to fill up with stranded travelers, with no sign of any gas truck on the horizon. An explosive confrontation seems unavoidable.
It certainly isn’t the first time a whole lotta dough drives people a whole lotta crazy. Just watch this year’s YOUR LUCKY DAY. But rarely have we seen such a meticulously crafted tension build up as right here. It could be the latest Coen brothers flick, but nope! It’s actually the debut feature of director-writer Francis Galluppi. Everyone in the cast is outstanding and has a clearly defined personality. Even a dog and, at the end, a bird, give memorable performances! Simply a unique, funny, thriller and heart-rendingly tragic ride!