19/04 – 19:00 – CINEDOC
“Do good with nothing, do better with little, but do it now.” The nonprofit movement KINO started in Montreal in 1999, and has branches worldwide. Kino wants to offer an alternative to the classic production cycle by providing beginning filmmakers, or just about anyone interested, with the opportunity to not only shoot their project, but show it on the big screen as well.
The first time Kino landed at the BIFFF was in 2005. They returned for an epic session in 2019, under the name of “KIFFF”. Another session was planned for 2020, but Covid turned that into our year of doom. Now, Kino is back, and brings its KINO CABARET to the BIFFF.
Are you ready for this 72-hour challenge? Meet the other Kinoïtes for a first production meeting at the pop-up space on Tuesday, April 16, at midnight! Or join the screening session on Friday, April 19, at 19:00. Reservations are required, and can be made near the ticketing & accreditation desks.